sinking ship logo The original basis for estimating the cost of window and door installation to Lambert Court was based on a price per property matrix similar to the schedule of rates employed in the repairs programme. That is a fixed price contractually agreed.

The total price of £97,209.96 is indicated at the bottom of the page

What is disturbing is that price included the replacement of fascias, guttering and downpipes none of which was undertaken, highlighted in yellow.

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Lambert Court were presented with a final section 20 notice informing them of the cost of replacing the windows and doors. That cost matches the charge calculated using the RAMP pricing matrix.

That section 20 noticed is printed below.

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The final invoice that ESH Construction billed Accent Housing was for a figure of £119,822.29. That is an increase of almost 25% on the initial agreed price.

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Accent Housing had no idea why they were billed this amount.

During the tribunal proceedings I had to explain to both the managers involved and the solicitors how the charge had increased using the information Accent Housing themselves had provided to the tribunal.

It is incomprehensible that the trust of so many is placed in the hands of those possesing so little competence.

The reason the cost had been inflated was simply that ESH had calculated charges using a price for glazing per square metre. They had included in that measurement all the brickwork as well as the integral glass door. They had then added an additional door to that figure. This was multiplied across all the bay windows on site. Additional fire safety windows had also been charged for but not replaced.

The table below outlines clearly how this was done by reference to number 11 Lambert Court.

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